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Author guidelines

Types of Contributions

The peer review journal RHSM publishes the following texts:

  • Scientific Articles: unpublished works that present relevant results and data from completed and ongoing research in the field of History and related areas.
  • Review Articles: systematization and synthesis of studies already published. Review articles correspond to the analysis of proposals, results and analytical associations whose merit resides in opening or offering new questions and perspectives for future empirical or exploratory research.
  • Essays: studies based on established or emerging interpretative approaches. Scientific essays are based on reflections upon and comparisons with previous knowledge aimed at proposing new points of view and approaches.
  • Sources or Documents: unpublished works that consist of information and critical comment of document collections and historical sources considered useful for new research in Historiography.
  • Book: reviews and comments about scientific publications from the past 3 years.

Submission Guidelines

All manuscripts submitted to RHSM should comply with the following conditions:

  1. Format: Word (.doc), Letter size, 2.5 centimeters indentation or margin for all sides. Documents should be justified to the left and right, without special tabulations and only one additional blank line between titles and paragraphs.
  2. Official language: Spanish, English and Portuguese.
  3. Title: brief, concise and suitable for the topic, written in Times New Roman (TNR) size 12 with capital letters. Acronyms or abbreviations are not allowed in the title. Immediately after the title in official language, a translation in English and Portuguese should be provided in font Times New Roman size 8, also capitalized.
  4. Author: the author’s name should be placed on the right (Degree [Ms. Or Dr., name and surnames) in capital letters. The name of the author’s institution, as well as city and country, email and ORCID number( should be placed under the author’s name. The ORCID form must contain the data requested by the platform. The paper has more than one author, the first one will be the main author and authors under him/her will be considered secondary authors. In no case the total of authors should be more than three. Data about the origin of the research (title, registry, sponsoring agency, year); presentations, conferences (places where it was presented); personal or collective production; type of academic text (research, review, essay article) will be placed after a double starred footnote at the end of the main author’s name (**).
  5. Abstract: The abstract must be written in TNR 11 font and contain the relevant elements of the text: the research problem, methodology, and results. This should not exceed 650 single-spaced characters. In a separate line, there should be four keywords or operative concepts separated by a semicolon (;) The abstract and the keywords should also be written in English and Portuguese.
  6. Body of the text: written in Times New Roman size 12, single line spacing. Minimum length: 10 pages; maximum length: 20 pages. The writing style should be proper for a scientific paper, following the IMRAD strategy In general, the text should be structured under the traditional formula Introduction, Problem, Results and Conclusions. All bibliographical references and sources should be included in alphabetical order at the end of the article. Only consulted and used references should be included, avoiding excess. Optionally, at the end of the document (before References), brief acknowledgements can be added. Journals and magazines must be written in italics (not between quotation marks). At the same time, literal citations of medium length (3 to 5 lines) need to have left indentation (3 cm) and be right justified in size 11.
  7. Citation: RHSM uses the MLA (Modern Language Association) citation norm, 8th edition ( Information about citation can be found in chapters 5 and 6.
  8. Figures and Images: If the paper contains figures and images, these should be submitted separately in JPEG format and 300 dpi minimum resolution, in a compressed folder. In addition, they should be numbered sequentially and mentioned in-text between parenthesis.
  9. Metadata: Contributions must be submitted through the journal's OJS platform, completing all the information requested. The Editorial Team will not accept unfinished submissions.

MLA References (8th edition)

In June 2018, RHSM adopted the 8th version of the MLA citation system for humanities, adjusting its citation criteria in the following aspects:

  • If a central element does not exist or cannot be found, simply omit the element in the References section. Position markers such as "nd" for "no date" and "np" for "no editor" are no longer used.
  • For sources with three or more than three authors, cite the first author’s name followed by ", et al."
  • The city of publication is not included anymore for books.
  • Journal volumes and issues now are formatted as follows: "vol. 12, n. ° 3".
  • If a publication number includes the month or season, it should be added after the date of publication. For example, "Spring 2016" or "January, 2016".
  • If an organization is both the author and editor, cite the organization only once as an editor and start the citation with the title.
  • Include a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) when available using the format "Doi:"  If the DOI is not available, provide a stable URL. To check the DOIs refer to Crossref Metadata Search.
  • The URL, without http: // o https: //, should be included for web sources. Angular supports are no longer used. 
  • The format of the source (Print. Web., Etc.) is not included anymore.
  • In the section References, "p" is used before citing a page number and "pp" is used before citing a page range. These are not used for in-text citations.

General Guidelines for Citation

Most works include two types of citation: 1) in-text citations and 2) a reference list at the end of the document.

  1. In-text citations

    Citations that appear in the body of the article. They indicate that an idea from a specific source is being used. In-text citations are cited with a parenthesis at the end of the idea, in which the name of the author and the page are included with no coma between them.
    Example: “En este sentido se sostiene que el poder absoluto de la dictadura estuvo basado exclusivamente en el terror y la violencia, considerando a las Fuerzas Armadas como una especie de salvación que vendría a reordenar la sociedad argentina “desde arriba” (Canelo 184).

    If the author’s name is used in text, it does not need to be repeated in the parenthesis. Only the page number should be included.
    For works with two authors, surnames should be cited by order of appearance on the cover and separated by the conjunction “and”.
    Example: “Posteriormente, en la casa del mismo Álvarez tuvo lugar una reunión de todo el grupo que aprobó el plan presentado (Schelchkov y Stefanoni 272).

    To cite two or more works from the same author, the title of the work is incorporated after the author’s surname in the briefest possible way, so it can be identified in the list of references at the end.
    Example: (Guillamet, Las sombras 60).
  2. Final References

    References should include the following elements: author, title of the work, version, number, publisher, date of publication and place.

    2.1. Book
    • With one author
      Example: Taufic, Camilo. Periodismo y lucha de clases. 2 ed., Ediciones Akal, 2012.

    • With more than one author
      Example: Pinto, Julio, y Verónica Valdivia. ¿Chilenos todos? La construcción social de la nación (1810-1840). LOM Ediciones, 2009.

    • With editor as an author
      Example: Guillamet, Jaume, ed. Las sombras de la transición: el relato crítico de los corresponsales extranjeros (1975 -1978). Universidad de Valencia, 2016.

    • In several volumes
      Example: Jaksic, Iván, y Juan Ossa, editores. Historia política de Chile, 1810-2010: prácticas políticas, 4 Vol., Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2017.

    • Corporate author
      Example: Ministerio de Educación. Donoso, 70 años. Departamento de Programas Culturales, División de Cultura, Ministerio de Educación, 1997.

    • Book chapter
      Example: Posada, Eduardo. “¿Libertad, libertinaje, tiranía?: La prensa bajo el Olimpo Radical en Colombia, 1863-1885”. Construcciones impresas: panfletos, diarios y revistas en la formación de los estados nacionales en América Latina, 1820-1920. compiladora Paula Alonso, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2004, pp. 183-201.

    2.2. Articles in Academic Journals

    • Academic Journal
      Example: Morcillo, Matilde. “Las relaciones hispano-helénicas durante las dictaduras de los generales Primo de Rivera en España y Pángalos en Grecia (1923-1926)”. Revista de Historia Social y de las Mentalidades, vol. 14, nº 1, 2010, pp. 67-83.

    • Article in Journal with DOI
      Example: Rivera, Carla. “Diálogos y reflexiones sobre las comunicaciones en la Unidad Popular. Chile, 1970-1973”. Historia y Comunicación Social, vol. 20, nº 2, 2015, pp. 345-367. http://dx.doi.or/10.5209/rev_HICS.2015.v2.n2.51388.

    2.3. Theses

    • Thesis
      Example: Rivera, Carla. La noticia policial: Una lectura moderna de la violencia. Tesis Magíster, Universidad de Chile, 2010. Impreso.

    2.4 Newspapers and magazines

    • Article from Journal or Magazine
      Example: Frei M., Eduardo. “Situación económica, política y social de Chile". Política y Espíritu, nº 61, agosto de 1951, pp. 311-312.
    • Article from Online Journal or Magazine
      Example: Segovia, Macarena. “Reformas educacionales: el viacrucis de Bachelet que aún no ve humo blanco”. El Mostrador, 6 de julio de 2017,
  3. Archival sources, govermental and official documents
    • Printed Document
      Example: Chile, Ministerio de Educación Pública, Comisión Asesora Permanente de Educación Comercial. Anteproyecto estructura y sistema: educación profesional agrícola, 1965.

    • Digital Document
      Example: Chile, Ministerio del Interior, Ley 6026 de Seguridad Interior del Estado, 12 de febrero 1937, http://bcn/1ncul.

To read the citation norms, click on the following link
