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PhD. Cristina Moyano

  • Degrees:

Bachelor of Education in History and Geography, University of Santiago de Chile, 2000, Chile.Master's degree in history, mention of history of Chile, University of Santiago de Chile, 2005, Chile. PhD in History, Mention History of Chile, 2007, University of Chile. 

  • Line of research:

Contemporary Political History of Chile. - History of the Left. - History of the Present.

  • Activity:

Degree in Education in History and Geography (2000) and Master in History, mention History of Chile (2005) by the University of Santiago de Chile. He obtained a Doctorate in History, a mention in History of Chile, from the University of Chile (2007) and a post-doctorate at the Institute of Advanced Studies of the University of Santiago de Chile (2009).  He has published books such as MAPU or the seduction of power and youth (Ediciones Alberto Hurtado, Santiago, 2009) and El MAPU in dictatorship (Ediciones Alberto Hurtado, Santiago, 2010), and has contributed propositively to the current historiographical discussion with texts such as " History of the present time: Historical time, memory and politics as disciplinary challenges "(Editorial Bicentenario, Santiago, 2008) and" Militant reports: methodological aspects to build an analysis of militant networks in the Chilean left during the dictatorship "(Ariadna-IDEA -University of Santiago, Santiago, 2009).  In the same way, "Biographical trajectories of militants of the left: a look at the party elites in Chile, 1973-1990" (History N ° 46, Vol. 1, 2013) and "Political history in the bicentennial. Between the history of the present and the conceptual history. Reflections on the new political history "(Revista de Historia Social y de los Mentalidades, Vol. 15, N ° 1, Santiago, 2011) are, among others, two of the numerous articles of its authorship that have consigned it as one of the main precursors of this last discipline.