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PhD. Maximiliano Salinas

  • Degrees:

Doctor in Theology, University of Salamanca, Spain, (1991) Bachelor of Theology from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (1976)

  • Line of research:

History of Popular Cultures, History of the Party, History of Religions, History of Humor, History of Love

  • Activity:

Member of the Humanities Committee of the Vice-Rector for Research and Development of the University of Santiago de Chile since 2007. Member of the Magister of Literature, and of the Master of Arts, Thought and Culture of Latin America, University of Santiago de Chile.  Author of twenty-four books. Among them: In the sky they are threshing (Editorial USACH, Santiago, 2000), He who laughs last. Caricatures and poetry in the Chilean humorous press of the 19th century (Editorial Universitaria, 2001), Song of the divine and popular religion in Chile around 1900 (Second edition: LOM, Santiago, 2005) Laughter by Gabriela Mistral (LOM, Santiago, 2010 ) and the co-authorship of ¡Vamos remolndo mi alma! (LOM, Santiago, 2007). Editor and main author of What can the feeling. Love in indigenous and mestizo cultures in Chile and South America, nineteenth and twentieth centuries (Eight Books: Santiago, 2015). Author of two titles of the Grandes Colección de Chile of the Editorial of the University of Santiago de Chile: Clotario Blest (Santiago, USACH, 2011) and Salvador Allende (Santiago, USACH, 2013).  Some of its chapters in books and articles: "Food, music and humor. The overflowing popular life "(History of private life in Chile, Taurus, Santiago, 2006)," The Chilean bandit of the nineteenth century. Its image in popular wisdom "(Araucaria de Chile 36, Madrid, 1986) and" The resurrection of the dead: laughter as a vital sign of the struggle of the settlers and settlers, Santiago de Chile 1973-1990 "(History, Anthropology and Oral Sources No. 44, Universitat de Barcelona, ​​2010). He wrote with Enrique Dussel and others, Theologiegeschichte der Dritten Welt. Lateinamerika (Gütersloh: Kaiser, 1993), and the part corresponding to Chile of the General History of the Church in Latin America. IX. Southern Cone. Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay, edited by Enrique Dussel (CEHILA, Sígueme, Salamanca, 1994). His articles have been published in scientific journals such as Revista Musical Chilena, Anales de la Faculty of Theology (Universidad Católica de Chile), Historia (Universidad Católica de Chile), and Chungará (Revista de Antropología Chilena). Essay Prize 'Martín Cerda' of the Society of Writers of Chile (2000). Permanent collaborator of Mapocho (National Library of Chile). Member of the Editorial Board of Athena, Universidad de Concepción (2015-2018).